Project Type: Earthwork/Site Preparation
Award Date: May 2018
Value: $9.8 Million
Engineer: PDT Architects/Gorrill Palmer
Owner: Maine School Administrative District 75
Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction, LLC. was selected by Arthur C. Dudley Contractor for sitework at the new Mt. Ararat High School. Work began in Summer of 2018 and is expected to be completed in Summer of 2021. This project is important to Team Crooker as the school is only half a mile from the main yard and office. Many Crooker employees are proud Mt. Ararat graduates and are excited to be building the school which helped develop and grow them during their teenage years. Crooker’s scope includes excavating for the new building foundation, parking lots, roadways, building demolition, building relocation, drainage, water, sewer, site electrical and a turf field.