Crooker breaks ground on new Edward Little High School

Edward Little

Crooker Construction recently broke ground on our largest project to date ($22,000,000) with the sitework associated with the new Edward Little High School in Auburn, Maine. Working for Arthur Dudley Contractor/Builder, Crooker is currently moving dirt in phase one in preparation for the foundations for the new building. Phase One (initial building construction) includes large cuts of unsuitable soil material, large fills to bring the building to sub-grade, retaining wall construction, utilities, and foundation/building preparation.

Overall, this project involves large amounts of site demolition, heavy earthwork (including 100,000 CY of ledge removal, 115,000 CY of cut, over 200,000 CY of site fills), utilities, large retaining walls, over 10,000 feet of storm drain piping, large amounts of precast structures, multiple sub-surface drainage systems, geothermal system construction, parking lot construction/curbing, existing building demolition and site finishes. Crooker is also contracted for the construction of multiple athletic fields, including both natural grass surface fields and artificial turf.

When complete, this school will be a state-of-the-art facility for the Auburn Community to enjoy for years to come. More information on the project can be found on the school’s building construction website: