Project Type: Road Reconstruction, Paving
Award Date: May 2022
Value: $1,458,030.00
Engineer: Gorrill Palmer
Owner: Town of Brunswick, Maine
Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction, LLC was contracted by the Town of Brunswick, Maine for roadway improvements on ten roads. There were various treatments for each road that included Milling, Pavement Stripping, Reclaim, Shim and Overlay, and LCP.
Crooker’s scope was split between two contracts. The scope of work included preparing each road for the designed reconstruction as well as adjusting structures. Between the two contracts we had 19 manhole/catch basins to lower and raise to grade, 17,790 square yards of Milling, reconstruct 17 Pedestrian Ramps, Strip 4,100 square yards of pavement, 17,200 square yards of road to Reclaim, and 450 lineal feet of slipform curbing.
These two contracts combined had us place 2,600 tons of 19mm Hot Mixed Asphalt (HMA), 4,600 tons of 12.5mm HMA, 1,450 tons of shim, 4,080, tons of 9.5mm HMA, and 615 tons of Hand Placed HMA.
Part of our work took us within the limits of Pan Am Railways. This was an added challenge. We successfully coordinated with Pan Am to be able to complete the work with no interruption to their schedule of trains.
The majority of roads on these two contracts were completed in 2022 with the remainder being completed in early spring of 2023.