Old County Road Reconstruction Rockland, Maine

Project Type: Road Construction
Award Date: January 2016
Value: $2.75 Million
Engineer: Gartley & Dorsky
Owner: City of Rockland

Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction was contracted by the City of Rockland to rebuild a 1.4 mile section of Old County Road. This roadway reconstruction project included a complete drainage system with catch basins, 8”, 12”, 15”, 18” and 24” drainage pipe, crushed subbase and base gravel and over 5,000 ton of pavement. 3,500 linear feet of 8” sewer was also included on the project.

Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction

Durham 2018 Road Construction Durham, Maine

Project Type: Road Construction
Award Date: Spring 2018
Value: $1.8 Million
Owner: Town of Durham

Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction, LLC. is working with the Town of Durham on Old Brunswick Road, Davis Road, Shiloh Road and Country Lane to reconstruct failed roadways. Crooker reclaimed the roadways and injected asphalt into the subbase material to stabilize and strengthen it. Base pavement was installed in 2018 and surface pavement will be installed in 2019. Surface pavement is installed a year after the base so that any unforeseen settling or frost heave issues can be curtailed and eliminated after the first freeze/thaw cycle.

Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction

Pleasant Hill Road Reconstruction Sabattus, Maine

Project Type: Road Construction
Award Date: December 2017
Value: $700,000
Engineer: CHA Consulting, Inc.
Owner: Maine Department of Transportation

Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction, LLC was contracted for the reconstruction of 2,225 linear feet of roadway on Pleasant Hill Road in Sabattus, ME. A large slope stabilization was tied into this project. The roadway was closed to traffic during reconstruction of the slope due to unforeseen conditions that caused the existing slope to fail. Drainage, safety improvements, roadway realignment and paving were all pieces of the job. Crooker completed the work well ahead of schedule.

Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction
Crooker Construction