Project Type: Earthwork, Utility
Award Date: May 2023
Value: $340,000.00
Engineer: Sevee and Maher Engineers
Owner: City of Bath, Maine
Scope of Work:
Crooker Construction, LLC was contracted by the City of Bath, Maine for the installation of an intermediate cover system at their operational landfill in the Spring of 2023. As required by Maine Department of Environmental Protection, intermediate cover systems are required for areas of a landfill that will not be active for at least six months. The cover systems ensures that the surface water cannot infiltrate into the waste and temporary slopes can be maintained.
Crooker’s scope included waste grading, gas header and horizontal piping installation, drainage system improvements, leachate collection systems, bedding material and the installation of the geomembrane cover. Working around deep trenches, landfill gases and active landfill traffic, safety and due diligence were key to a successful project. Crooker utilized equipment GPS grading to ensure the final waste grading and bedding material were placed per the approved grading plan. RTD Enterprises completed the installation of the geomembrane cover in November of 2023, with the final project completion wrapping up in early December of 2023.